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Happy 30th Aniversary, Veterans For America

In the coming New Year 2020, Veterans For America will be celebrating 30 Years of service to our fellow Veterans (brothers and sister's and comrades in arms).  We have assisted thousands of American Veterans from every State in America.  We know the enduring pain caused by PTSD.  We know what it is like to be patiently waiting for that much deserved Service-connected disability.  We know what it is like when even your closest relatives don't understand your pain.  We know, because we have been there, too.  We have anniversaries dates that blindside us and take the fun out of living.  That makes us fall into that bottomless pit, and feel abandoned by everyone.  And, what it's like to have those days when we feel like just giving up.  

It has been an honor and a pleasure to be working with some of America's greatest Veterans who have compassionately served Veterans without compensation, (Veterans For America is a 100% volunteer Organization) from General's and High Ranking Officer's to sergents and corporals) who have held positions on the Veterans for America, Executive Board of Directors over the last 30 years, my sincere thanks. 

And, even though Veterans For America has accomplished so much since our inception back in 1990 and, has helped thousands of Veterans and their families, I still see the numbers of homeless Veterans still living on our streets (estimated 50,000) and, I read and hear about the tragic Veterans Suicides in our country (at least 22 each day).  More than anything else in my life, these numbers tear my heart to pieces. This is why I have vowed to myself to passionately help my Fellow Veterans, (brothers and sisters) until my last dying breath.  It is Veterans For America's vision to see the largest Veterans Awareness Music Festival on the grounds of the White House in Washington D.C. with the purpose of bringing an awareness to the America people that we have a seriously critical problem that needs to be addressed at all cost.  To see, VFA Veteran Villages Base Camps in every State so that NO Veteran would ever have to be homeless again.  To have our very own VFA National Veterans Credit Union so that Veterans and Active Duty Military Personnel can get a one-time, long term (10) year, personal loan in the amount of up to, $50,000.00 with a 3.5% interest rate and, a (15) day grace period. This Emergency Loan would also have an optional (if requested), "Skip the December payment" each year with no penallty.  And, it would be great to see the Mergers and Acquisitions of the Blackstone Group Motel 6 and Motel 8 converted to the United States Armed Forces and Veterans: 



A place where homeless Veterans can stay, rest and re-group for (7) days, every (6) months, Free.  And, it would be great to see Honorably Discharged Veterans continuing to protect America after they have completed their time in the United States Armed Forces.  

This is our Vision, and will continue to be our mission;     

                               END Veteran Homelessness


                              Military and Veteran Suicides

*This is the time for ALL (18.2 million) Veterans to UNITE as ONE solid unit and accomplish this High-Priorty mission once and for all.

Veterans For America is grateful to everyone who has donated and supported our cause to improve the quality of life for America's Veterans and, especially those who have been with us on this long incredible journey in helping our fellow Veterans.  My sincere thanks. 

Veterans was founded by;


 May you all be blessed beyond your greatest dreams!!!


Rick P Martinez, USMC Vietnam Veteran

Veterans For America, Founder

A Prayer for our fallen Heroes

VFA Chaplain's message: Hope on a New Day


Hope will help us to continue and flourish in this life amidst our daily difficulties.  We celebrate the helpful work of the courageous members of the U.S. Military, Veterans, VA employees, first responders, doctors, nurses, healthcare personnel, the farmers, the truckers and our grocery store workers.  We say, “Thank you” to all our American citizens who are doing their best to help us survive and thrive.  There are incredible acts of kindness and bravery found in the most unlikely places.  These astonishing acts of kindness give us hope for all humanity.  During the Coronavirus outbreak in the United States, the people in our Nation need to be following our Federal, State and City guidelines with an enlightened sense of Hope.  Many U.S. citizens and residents with lower and middle incomes may be losing jobs, homes, family members, health, food, incomes and their peace of mind.  There is Hope! 

During the Easter Season, we can receive Jesus’ words of Hope: “I am leaving you with a gift—Peace of Mind and Heart.  The Peace I give is a gift the world cannot give.  So, don’t be troubled or afraid". (John 14:27).  Yes, we have hope even amidst our life’s trials and tragedies.  “There is always hope for a new day.  There is always hope because our Redeemer lives." (Marcia Laycock).  Thousands of years ago, King Solomon gave us a timeless prescription for spiritual healing: “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and will heal their land”. (2 Chronicles 7:14).  Let us open our hearts to God.  In the Christian faith it is said, “When life’s broken places lead us to Jesus, ultimately we will find hope”. (Renee Swope).  God will prepare a way, because He is the Way Maker.  God prepares you for the best but we need to be patient.  “Sometimes the world around us seems empty and we may feel entirely alone, but now and then – Suddenly! – When we least expect it – when we’ve almost given up hope – when we’re tired or bored or fearful or disgruntled – God breaks through and the angels start to sing!” (Ray Pritchard).

 ~May you be encouraged with Hope for a New Day, Samuel Adamson, Veterans For America, Chaplain (Retired US Army & VA Chaplain).



Veterans Day 2019

Wishing all our Veterans a safe and Happy Veterans Day Weekend.  Veterans For America Salutes you and Thanks you for your selfless sacrifice to our great country.


November 10, 2019

Happy Birthday Marines

May you enjoy your special day.  It was an honor to stand next to you.  Stay strong and walk proud.

Semper fi,  OORAH!

Rick Martinez USMC Vietnam Veteran

Veterans For America, Founder





Memorial Day 2019

VFA wishes all Veterans and Active Duty Military personnel a Blessed and safe Memorial Day

This is a sacred time to reflect on the ultimate sacrifice of our fallen brother’s and sister’s in arms.  Let this also be time to pray for our Veterans and Active Duty Military personnel that are suffering from the scars of war.  May they find peace.


 My life is as beautiful as I make it.  I have so much beauty and opportunity around me.  I will be at peace. I will be truthful, honest and kind.  I will always forgive those who have hurt me.  I will spread love and happiness through my earthly journey.  I will live with compassion and understanding.  I will live with an attitude of gratitude.  I will focus on life.  I will focus on the things that bring me joy.  I will focus on love.  I will focus on my family and friends.  I will spend every day doing something that makes me feel good.  I will focus on my mission, my true purpose for living.  I will serve God by serving others.


My human body is capable of miraculous things.  It is brilliantly designed to self regulate and heal itself.  The secret lies in my faith.  My faith in God, faith in prayer and, faith in the ability that I have to heal myself.  I live in a world of infinite possibility.  I have the power to heal myself.   I am a perfect manifestation of God’s creation.  I am a true expression of His love.  I am forever grateful to God for this glorious experience.  This amazing journey called life.  My time is precious and I will not waste any second of it on things that do not matter.  I will live in the present moment and embrace God’s on-going manifestation.       


I will always remember the two most important words in medicine; Know Thyself. 

The better that I know myself the better equipped I am to heal my body and my emotions.  By healing my inner spiritual self, it allows me to love to the deepest degree in the outer physical world.  Healing can happen at any time.  Healing can happen even when I am at death’s door.  I will reach out to other people if I need help.  I will learn from others.  I will NEVER GIVE UP!  I will not fear death because death is a Life Experience.  It is just as special and precious as my Birth Experience.


My body loves me.  It loves me unconditionally.  My body and my life are sacred gifts from God.  I will live my life, “One Day at a Time”  By living with a positive mental attitude everything will be working for my individual and collective good.  I will claim my wholeness and well-being, now.  I will claim my health, now.  I will claim vitality and vigor and the power to rejuvenate and regenerate, right now.  I will let go and let God, now and forever.  This is my Life.

                              Rick Martinez, USMC Vietnam Veteran

May 2019

A letter of appriciation to our Veterans, from a United States Citizen

Dear All,

It is an honor that I get to live in this wonderful country, the United States of America.  It is because of our Veterans that our children, our wives, our sisters, our mothers, our brothers, our fathers, and all citizens of the United States are able to sleep safely at night, knowing that our brave men and women of the Armed Forces stand watch and keep our country safe.  May God Bless each and every one who has made the sacrifice to serve and protect our great Nation. ~S. Grand  


Homeless Veterans National VFA Pizza Day Challenge

 "If our Veterans are hungry let us feed them." 

For Veteran Service Organizations, Groups, Concerned Communities, Individuals, Restaurants and Others.  To provide our homeless Veterans one free pizza lunch on any given day each month.  A National VFA Pizza Day is an idea to raise our Nation's awareness to our homeless Military Veteran's crisis.  Including a deeper understanding of the on-going tragedy of Veteran suicides. 

We give thanks for your support.  We are grateful to our Veterans for their National Service and for the many sacrifices they have made for the United States of America.  

After accommodating our homeless Veterans and accomplishing a VFA Pizza Day.  Send your documented stories, photos, and/or a (1) minute video to be selected and posted on the Veterans For America website; "IN THE NEWS".  


   Veterans for America,  Salutes YOU!